January 5, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
Turning of the Year: Led by Rev. Ali Peters
Worship Associate: Kirk Jusko

Join us for our annual service where we honor the events and transitions from
the past year in our community and look ahead to the coming year together.

Focus Collection: Greater Cleveland Habitat for Humanity

January 12, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
Fact & Fiction: Led by Rev. Ali Peters
Worship Associate: Deb Celinski

Storytelling is an ancient art and a key part of the human experience. What can
this practice of storytelling teach us about truth?

January 19, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
Hidden Stories: Led by Rev. Ali Peters
Worship Associate: Sarajane Willson

What stories do we tell about ourselves and others without realizing it? How do
these hidden stories shape our lives? How might uncovering these stories
become a joyful act of liberation and possibility?

January 26, 2025 at 10:30 a.m.
Reclaiming My Story: A Journey of Truth and Resilience Led by Faten Odeh, Council on Arab Islamic Relations
Worship Associate: Mike Gold

It’s a story of identity, resilience, and the struggle to reclaim the narrative. aten Husni Odeh currently serves as Executive Director for the Cleveland & Northern Chapter of CAIR-Ohio, a role she commenced on January 3, 2023. 

Odeh is a Palestinian-American civil rights advocate who brings a wealth of experience, skills and talents to her current position. She has an extensive background in educational programming, community empowerment and volunteer service.  

Odeh attended East Carolina University (ECU) where she completed a double major in communication with a concentration in broadcast journalism and political science with a focus on the Middle East. She obtained a Master of Arts in Teaching with a focus on history education also from ECU and a teaching endorsement from the University of Akron. Odeh received a Certified Fundraising Management Certificate (CFRM) from the Center on Muslim Philanthropy at Indiana University. 

While at CAIR, Odeh hopes to help ensure that Muslims exercise their civil rights, and that their voices are heard on important social and political matters. Among other goals, she hopes to help dispel stereotypes of Islam and Muslims and to bring together people of all faiths to work for the common good. Her work has centered around building partnerships and working in coalitions to help advance the cause of peace and justice.