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Date(s) - 26 Sep 2022
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM



Our multi congregational meetings with SWUU, UUCC, and WSUU will begin again on Zoom starting September 26, 2022 at 7pm.

This month, our focus topic is:
“Take-aways from the 7th-8th principle event” that was hosted by the “8th Principle UU Learning Community” group on Facebook earlier this month.. What is possible when the 8th Principle and 7th Principle come together? Hear about some new ideas and learn about resources that are available to support collaboration on environmental and climate justice. Breakout groups will discuss this and other topics of UU interest. (

A Zoom link will be sent on the SWUU list or contact Don Bryant for a personal invitation for those not on the SWUU list.