UUs Together
Date(s) - 26 Feb 2024
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Please join us on our monthly zoom meetings to talk about social justice efforts going on that we can coordinate and share ideas on. We welcome any members and friends to join us as we discuss, GCC, Urban Hope, Green Sanctuary, Becoming a Multicultural Anti-racist community and other social justice issues in the community such as voter access, gun control, and Black Lives Matter. One of the big issues we are continuing to work on is the physician led effort to protect women’s right to choose here in Ohio.
The Ohio Poor People’s Campaign is mobilizing for the Mass Poor People’s and Low-wage Workers’ State House Assemblies and To the Polls! Hundreds of Ohioans will converge at the Ohio State House in coordination with 30+ other state actions for the Poor People’s Campaign Mobilization on March 2, 2024, 10AM to noon.
We have invited Ohio Poor People’s Campaign Tri-Chair David Guran to present at this Zoom meeting. Dave will give an action overview and talk about how we can join or support the mass mobilization.
Searching the web, I found this historical Unitarian Universalist alliance with the Poor People’s Campaign in 1968 Poor People’s Campaign 1968 General Resolution
To attend the zoom meetings you need to contact Don Bryant- email.donbryant@gmail.com or Val Hura- valhura2012@gmail.com . The meetings are not on our church zoom link.