Greater Cleveland Congregation Action
Date(s) - 4 Apr 2017
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Cleveland City Hall
601 East Lakeside Ave
Cleveland, OH 44115
City Council Q Deal Meeting
Tuesday, April 4th
Cleveland City Hall (601 Lakeside Ave E, Cleveland)
Now that the Q legislation is at the city, we need to show strong support for a fairer, better deal. All GCC members should plan to attend and wear your GCC t-shirts. You need not prepare anything; just how up and see what GCC is doing! Some of our leaders are excellent speakers. If you don’t have a GCC shiprt, wear a Standing on the Side of Love, or SWUU shirt! What you wear isn’t important. We just need you to show up! All retirees welcome!!! and people who have mornings off from work.
Please contact Chris Wolf
or Susan Paxson